Correct Score Show MoreHumo TashkentOtherAktobeHumo TashkentOtherAktobe1 - 0 +3500 Any Other Score +575 1 - 2 +2300 2 - 0 +1100 1 - 3 +9000 2 - 1 +775 2 - 3 +2000 3 - 0 +675 1 - 4 +9000 3 - 1 +725 2 - 4 +9000 3 - 2 +900 3 - 4 +5000 4 - 0 +1000 1 - 5 +9000 4 - 1 +700 2 - 5 +9000 4 - 2 +1600 3 - 5 +9000 4 - 3 +2500 4 - 5 +9000 5 - 0 +1700 5 - 1 +1400 5 - 2 +2100 5 - 3 +6600 5 - 4 +9000
Correct Score - Live 2nd PeriodShow MoreHumo TashkentOtherAktobeHumo TashkentOtherAktobe1 - 0 - L2P +285 0 - 0 - L2P +390 0 - 1 - L2P +650 2 - 0 - L2P +500 1 - 1 - L2P +550 0 - 2 - L2P +2800 2 - 1 - L2P +950 2 - 2 - L2P +3500 1 - 2 - L2P +2100 Any Other Score - L2P +440
Team to score 2nd goal - Live Regulation TimeHumo Tashkent - LREG -250 No Goal - LREG +3000 Aktobe - LREG +178
Margin of Victory Show MoreHumo TashkentAktobeHumo TashkentAktobeHumo by 1 goal +280 Aktobe by 1 goal +825 Humo by 2 goals +295 Aktobe by 2 goals +5000 Humo by 3 or more goals -125 Aktobe by 3 or more goals +9000
Highest Scoring Period - Live Regulation TimeFirst Period - LREG +3300 Second Period - LREG +158 Third Period - LREG +152 Tie - LREG +195
Highest Scoring Period - Aktobe - Live Regulation TimeSecond Period - LREG +200 Third Period - LREG +220 Tie - LREG +108
Highest Scoring Period - Humo Tashkent - Live Regulation TimeFirst Period - LREG +950 Second Period - LREG +240 Third Period - LREG +210 Tie - LREG +128
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